the 10 most hated celebrities of 2018 (not all celebrities are adored)

the ten most hated celebrities of 2018

2018 has been an absolute rollercoaster of the year, for this list we’re looking at controversial celebrities who’ve generated a lot of ire and hatred throughout 2018 we’ll be defining celebrity as anyone who reached a wide audience in 2018 including through politics and broadcasting as well as the typical avenues of Fame such as music movies and TV

TOP 10

10.Johnny Depp

 the hatred towards Johnny Depp shows just how fast one’s Fame can flip, Depp was once the biggest movie star on the planet but now people are publicly calling for his exclusion from the industry, most of the hatred stems from Depp’s casting as Grindelwald in the fantastic beasts franchise in light of his alleged abuse of ex-wife Amber Heard nonetheless JK Rowling has publicly endorsed Depp and expressed happiness over his casting this only added fuel to the fire and the hate continued throughout 2018, Depp finally addressed the controversy in October stating that he’d been falsely accused and that he was appreciative of Rowling standing by him

9.James Corden

it wasn’t long ago that James Corden was that adorable Brit, driving around celebrities and doing karaoke, however it seems as if people have had enough there now exists a number of outspoken critics who have labeled him insufferable and a Harvey Weinstein joked at a charity event back in 2017 didn’t exactly help turn the tide the backlash isn’t just on the internet either Anthony Bourdain has called him a pandering tool and his performances in recent movies have been up for criticism too with Mark Kermode describing him as appallingly irritating in Peter Rabbit, it reached the point that James’s dad decided to defend him on the radio we’re sure he meant well

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8.Laura Ingraham

however irritating Corden might seem to some at least he’s not taunting school shooting survivors  “look at how the crowd gathered at the US Capitol with their selfies tick sin hand greeted Bernie Sanders as he made his way to the bullhorn, oh my god they were going nuts it was pure partisan politics”

Fox News and talk show host Laura Ingraham took to Twitter to ridicule David hog a survivor of the Stoneman Douglas shooting, in the post dated March 28th 2018 Ingraham said quote “David hog rejected by four colleges to which he applied and whines about it” and linked to an article from daily wire the backlash was quite severe and up to 27 sponsors pulled their support from the Ingraham angle unfortunately this didn’t do much to stymie her basis support as her show actually experienced a 36% increase in viewers aged 25 to 54following the controversy

7.Brad Cavanaugh

we suppose it’s contentious to call Brett Kavanaugh a celebrity but he was all anyone talked about in September so we’re counting it “I’m gonna start at an 11 I’m gonna take it to about a 15 real quick” as we’re sure you all know federal judge Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford, Cavanaugh cheering then became the biggest TV event of 2018 as everyone stopped what they were doing to watch his combative responses and constant mentions  of beer didn’t do him any favors “we drank beer she had one beer at the party and had beers with and having some beers with friends” and while Cavanaugh was confirmed a poll commissioned by the Washington Post and ABC  News showed that 51% of Americans disapproved of his confirmation

6. 6ix9ine rapper

 yeah so this guy still a thing and believe it or not the rapper is even more controversial than ever, in April a member of his posse shot around at the crew of fellow rapper Casanova at Brooklyn’s BarclaysCenter in the backlash that followed 6ix9ine lost a nearly 5 million dollar headphone deal and was banned from performing at Barclays, in July he was arrested on an outstanding warrant for allegedly choking a 16 years old kid at a Houston mall and in October 6ix9ine was sentenced to four years’ probation and 1,000 hours of community service for making and distributing a sex video with a 13 years old girl so yeah he’s not particularly well-liked at the moment

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5.Alex Jones

 Alex Jones has been a heated figure for many years now one of the most prominent conspiracy theorists in the world Jones is responsible for promulgating numerous contentious opinions including the idea that Obama is a literal demon that juice boxes turn people gay and that Democrats are plotting a white genocide “I don’t like putting chemicals in the water to turn the friggin frogs gay do you understand that” he finally found himself in some serious hot water in May when several families slapped in with a lawsuit for claiming that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax involving crisis actors

  • I’ve watched the footage it looks like a drill
  • when you say parents faked their children’s death people get very angry
  • well, let’s all I know ….

throughout the summer Jones’s ability to project his beliefs was significantly affected as numerous companies like Facebook Apple YouTube and Spotify removed his content from their websites

4.Megyn kelly

in 2017 Megyn Kelly left fox news for NBC in order to host Megyn Kelly today “after more than a dozen years at Fox News I have decided to pursue a new challenge” and it was an instant disaster critics called her unfit for daytime television as her a chilly personality failed to connect with audiences she also made inappropriate comments to guests which led to Debra Messing expressing regret for appearing on the show Kelly finally met her end in October 2018 when she defended the use of blackface in Halloween costumes “you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on black Halloween or a black person who puts on white face for Halloween like back when I was a kid that was okay as long as you were dressing there’s like that character” three days later amid public backlash NBC officially announced that they’d canceled Megyn Kelly today Fox News has expressed a zero interest in taking Kelly back leaving her career in limbo “ I want to begin with two words I’m sorry”

3.Kanye West

 has always been difficult to digest, some may argue that it’s part of his charm “two days before I was in the hospital I was on opioids”  that said, 2018 has been especially unkind to the influential rapper and May West referred to slavery as a choice at TMZ headquarters which led to condemnation from a TMZ employee and many people on social media “the rest of us in society have to deal with these threats to our lives, we have to deal with the marginalization has come from the 400 years of slavery that Shue said but our people was a choice” the following month he referred to bipolar disorder as his superpower on Yee which garnered ire from medical health advocates and in October he met with Donald Trump at the White House which only filled the disappointment of his left-leaning fans it’s certainly been a difficult year for ye but that hasn’t excused his behavior in the eyes of critics

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2.the Paul brothers

the Paul brothers “I’ve made a severe and continuous lapse of my judgment and I don’t expect to be forgiven I’m simply hereto apologize” we feel like the Paul brothers will never be redeemed they’re just that hateable first it was Jake who made headlines for being an absolute ass of a neighbor in April of 2018 he was slapped with a 2.5milliondollar lawsuit for ruining his rental house “like I said I apologized to our neighbors and we’re trying to make the living situation better for everyone” he also generated controversy for a video about losing his virginity and for rapping the n-word not to be outdone his brother Logan generated his own share of controversy vlogging the corpse of a suicide victim and having his ad suspended after here moved a fish from its pond and tasered dead rats it’s like they’re in competition to see who can be the bigger douche  “I think my brother needs to like.. get better at determining… like what he should put in his videos or not when millions of kids are watching”

1.Roseanne Barr

Roseanne Barr talk about ruining a second chance after a few years of relative obscurity our and her sitcom Rose Anne made a return to TV on March 27th 2018 to wide acclaim and massive viewer numbers the spotlight was back on her and it didn’t seem to be going away anytime soon  “this is our 45th anniversary and I get to talk”this new found popularity lasted all of two months before she bungled it with an incredibly racist tweet comparing Obama’s senior advisor Valerie Jarrett to an 8 ABCS wift leak and Roseanne and her sitcom deciding instead to option a spin-off title to the Connors without Rosen’s involvement even bars big gest fans couldn’t defend that one and her co-stars happily left her in the dust “ it’s like the worst thing they could have possibly done to me was to fire me from my own show and let other people write my life story I’m not gonna watch it and I’m not gonna condemn it or say anything bad about it either I’m just moving on from it”

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